1-Click Clean-Up

    Windows PC's require regular maintenance, there's no doubt about that. They need the temp files cleaned out, the registry maintained, the hard disk needs defragmented regularly, and there is always a need to scan for malware, spyware, and other malicious software that sneaks it's way in.

    Running all of this maintenance take time, which a lot of people have very little of. With 1-Click Clean-up you can start it running in no time, go whatever you may choose to do, and when you return it will be done with the maintenance. If it encounters any errors it will inform you of those as well.

    1-Click Clean-up is a small windows application designed to help the everyday user keep their Windows computer running smooth. It is a collection of free apps found on the internet that perform the maintenance that should be done on a regular basis.

Current Version: 1.2.5
(32 bit users must continue to use version 1.2.2 available here)

1-Click Screenshot

For more information visit the 1-Click Clean-up page over at my JL Harstad & Co. website.